Follow up on Web Master tools

Posted at 9:53:55 PM in Web (12) | Read count: 2496

I set up my site on 3 major search engine Web Master Tools sites: Google, Bing and Yahoo.  I was surprised to see that Yahoo was submitting my sitemap information to Microsoft.  Apparently, they are collaborating.  I placed my information on those search engines back in 2009.  Yahoo and Bing have not checked or re indexed the sitemap since I set it up originally.  So much for submitting a sitemap.

Google has been checking the sitemap.  They have a page that shows the errors in the site crawl and the date they crawled it.  Sometimes, I wish there was a way to get errors off the crawl list when you've fixed them, but it eventually clears up. 

Basically, I find the web master tools for both Bing and Yahoo are a waste of time.  At least Google appears to be doing something with the tools, while their competitors just collect the initial data and then let it sit.  They must be short of man power or resources.  The web master tools are collecting dust at Yahoo and Bing, or should I say, Microsoft.


Written by Leonard Rogers on Monday, January 17, 2011 | Comments (0)

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